Woke Means Weak ⋆ Politicrossing
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Woke Means Weak



How to raise Cowards and Weaklings.

If you can’t acknowledge visible reality because someone is too weak to handle feeling uncomfortable then all rooms will be filled with elephants that you cannot mention.

Woke and Weak are synonyms.

The current trend toward avoidance of anything that would make anyone uncomfortable is an exercise in futility. Even if pursued diligently for a generation you would never reach a point of successful completion.

There is no place in life that is continually safe, comfortable and non-offensive. As soon as you satisfy one special interest person, yet another will stand up and say, “But what about me?”

The problem is perception vs reality. The original intention behind what we now call “woke” was to be courteous and considerate of others. Well, that’s not only noble, it’s also holy. What a great thing to be! But the reality of how it is being implemented is a sad and dangerous one. Even the term “woke” is a denial of proper English. It’s supposed to mean awake, aware, more compassionate, considerate, more sensitive to what is around you. There are already terms for that.

Who decides if you are Woke?

Woke leaders are not really “leaders” but rather, just those who initiate woke assertions. Their overriding cause is “Social Injustice.” That means anything they don’t feel is equitable. What you feel doesn’t matter to them, it’s what they and their cabal feel is correct that matters.

They seem to always start with the elimination of something instead of adding something.

So, instead of adding an acknowledgment of the group or condition to be included, they put their energies on the diminishing or elimination of its opposite. e.g., to diminish racial discrimination, they set aside special considerations for their chosen race and not for others; to include homosexuality they attempt to de-popularize heterosexuality. They try to make it cooler to be homosexual or bisexual than to be heterosexual.

To advance a new idea, they seek to eliminate all older ideas, e.g., tearing down statues, eliminating history instead of learning from it and still honoring the best of it.

To make transgender athletes feel better, they seek to dilute male or female sports by requiring trans inclusion.

To advance Socialism they seek to make Capitalism seem selfish, threatening and bad.

Does it work?

The ludicrous irony of these efforts is that they don’t please enough people to justify the disruption and angst they cause to hundreds of others. It’s as if the entire community must hobble itself so that the one new person who is different won’t feel different.

Woke people love labels!

Their first attention goes toward separating people into groups: races, genders, belief systems, ages, cultures, etc. They want a label to use against their opponent. Racist! White Nationalist! Male Domination! Trumper! Fascist! Homophobe! Sexist! All of these are terms from the woke handbook. They teach children to use them too. But there are not many clear definitions for them. That allows unrestricted use of these terms as weapons.

If there’s no consensus as to what makes you a Racist, then all they have to do is call you one and the label sticks. And, in woke thinking Accusation is the same as Conviction! If you’ve been accused, then you are guilty. No evidence to the contrary is needed nor welcomed. Thousands of people still believe the myth around “Hands up, don’t shoot” and other slogans promoted without facts to prove them.

If you’re looking for a place on Earth where woke has worked, you will be disappointed. California is the closest but it’s a disaster. The epicenter seems to be the San Francisco Bay Area. No other country has ever sustained a woke culture nor caused one to thrive. It’s like Socialism, despite being a complete disaster everywhere it is practiced fully, (Venezuela, Cuba, etc.) the woke crowd tells you it’s the most woke solution. And “it will be different for us. We’ll do it right.” is also a lie.

Annual Exclusion Rites (Woke version of a Holiday)

Each winter there is yet another effort to eliminate the open acknowledgment of Christianity in America. In their effort to not “disenfranchise” Muslims, Taoists and Atheists, the woke supremacists seek to outlaw Christmas. Even saying “Merry Christmas” offends them! They reply, “I’m not Christian, so stop trying to force your religion on me!”

My response to that is, “I’m wishing you happiness in this holiday season, not trying to convert you to a belief system. And since my good wishes seem to offend you, I retract them.”

The same applies to “Happy Birthday”. If it’s not your birthday then the words weren’t intended for you, so ignore them.

“Good Morning” isn’t a comment on the quality of the morning, it is an expression of good wishes to the other person. If someone says, “What’s so good about it?” Just smirk and say, “Never mind, I was wishing you one and I take it back.”

Woke supremacists have even invented new holidays to counter the mainstream traditions. Kwanzaa is one example of that. “Festivus” is a fun satire on this concept. (From the TV show Seinfeld.)

Why do I say, “woke means weak”?

Because it requires that you enter a state of perpetual uncertainty and that you take no firm positions on anything except the criticism of those who are not woke.

The woke posture would be a constant accommodation of every possible outlier. “Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen” would have to become some long laborious mentioning of and apologizing to any possible variant from men or women or appreciators of mornings.

Don’t buy into it!

There are certain truths and realities in life that are not a matter of mood, opinion or personal choice. Up is up and down is down. Colors exist, genders (two of them) exist in all of Nature, ages, sizes, shapes, locations, concepts, and historical facts exist. That doesn’t mean we should be insensitive to others nor that we shouldn’t seek to be courteous and to include others where appropriate. It just means that truth exists even if you disagree with it! If you don’t believe in gravity, please don’t expect to be exempted from its effects.

If you were born a biological male but aren’t happy with that, please don’t expect others to treat you differently unless you’ve undergone a sex change and taken on the attributes of a female. You can’t “identify as” anything other than what you truly are unless you’re ok with lying. Even then, you’re playing that game alone. Don’t expect us to join in the deception. He or She are the most workable pronouns, not “they” applied to an individual.

There are surely woke folk who have already dismissed me as a white privileged, male dominant, legacy-thinking, homo/trans/xenophobe. OK, I’m not writing to them anyway. They aren’t willing to be part of a solution. They want to do what makes them feel correct in their existing point of view. Denial of reality is comfortable to them.

Courage is the game changer.

The world advances when courageous individuals do what is needed. Courage comes from a clear set of beliefs, rooted in objective truth. When you know that something is true, then you act on that with boldness of faith. When you’re not sure or you’re afraid someone will disagree, then you take only timid actions.

If we teach our kids woke-ness then we raise them to be cowards.

That’s not the road to courtesy. Courtesy comes when one who is strong chooses to suspend the assertion of their strength in order to honor or accommodate another temporarily. But you must have strength to do so. Strength comes from clarity of thought and disciplined action. When you know what is true and can act on it boldly, then you can have courage. When you’re always unsure, weakness ensues. When you have self-discipline, you can develop strength, when you constantly change then you become a weakling and a coward.

Here’s your sign:

If the person who opposes you immediately calls you names, like Racist, Sexist, White Nationalist, etc. then you are dealing with both a Coward and a Weakling. In other words, you’re fighting with a child.

You can fully expect that whatever they say, instead of trying to reason with you or discuss your ideas, will ultimately come down to them calling you a name and saying, “I hate you!” That’s what little children do when they have no good response.

Let’s all start telling the truth again. And, hey, Be nice to each other.

Photo Caption: Cultural appropriation in 1964: I wore a sombrero (Mexican), at a Phi Sigma Epsilon (Greek) event, Jail implies my approval of law enforcement, I’m wearing a bandolier of toy bullets, but the threat is implied I guess, also I’m wearing cowboy boots, but I own no cattle. I’m wearing a large real hunting knife in a scabbard (instead of a six gun) at a school event and I’m smoking. OMG! Open the safe spaces, there’s no telling how many I’ve injured.

I’m just thankful that it wasn’t a Vaudeville themed event. I might have worn black face, which at that time wasn’t controversial. (Yes, it is now, and I understand why, but 50 years ago the world was different, and people acted according to the times just as we do now.)

©2021 Jim Cathcart, Sr.

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Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is an Executive MBA Professor, Author of 21 books, Hall of Fame Professional Speaker, Top 1% TEDx video (2.4 million views), US Army veteran, Singer/Songwriter, and Lifelong Motorcyclist. He is known as "Your Virtual VP" for his Advisory/Mentor work with organizations worldwide. Based in Texas...and proud of it!


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America No More…



After watching with over a hundred others the newly released movie, Civil War, I left the theater stunned, and I was not alone. Was it a good movie? Just a deeply unsettling one! Could it really happen? You don’t even want to imagine it! But with Biden’s assault on America continuing and Trump reemerging as the favored GOP candidate, the American division is growing. More and more citizens are getting angrier as their standard of living is in jeopardy and illegals are getting benefits citizens can only dream of.

Spoiling the movie’s plot is never appropriate, but when Western forces from Texas, Florida, and even California take on the elected President, the country is left in a civil war. We watch as desensitized media professionals cover the death of hundreds of American citizens. To the film’s media, the war is just a once-in-a-lifetime story that deserves to be captured one picture at a time. After all, it’s the media’s job. They are just feeding citizens what they want—blood, gore, winners, and victims. What would happen if America descends into such chaos? This movie provides one disturbing view, one that, God help us, must never happen.

One thing is clear, when a country loses trust in its leader’s ability to preserve their cherished freedoms and ensure equal treatment under the law, even insurrection seems somehow possible. That is a nightmare no American should have to entertain, but more and more Americans seem to be losing hope in the future of our country. They don’t trust elections. Many don’t even like the Presidential choices presented to them.

The Founding Fathers valued freedom enough to unleash a revolution against the greatest power at the time. Enough citizens joined them in securing what most at the time believed impossible, independence. Yes, insurrection hatched our beloved America. Belief in equal rights and freedom are powerful forces that have always driven patriotic Americans to action.

Even with our differences, most Americans believe in property rights, voting rights, law enforcement to keep us safe, freedom of speech, and personal responsibility. Unfortunately, more and more Americans feel these values are in question, and they are not sure America can be saved!

Many Americans no longer even believe that elections will produce a lawful winner. They don’t trust the voting machines. They want paper ballots that can be counted. They don’t believe multiple days are needed. Hasn’t one day of voting always been enough? They want required IDs and signed mail-in ballots. They fear ballot harvesting is just another name for ‘manufacturing” all the votes you need to ensure a fraudulent victory. Are American fair elections no more!

Many no longer believe that the enforcement of law is fair and sure. While former President Donald Trump has been charged with multiple “crimes,” President Joe Biden’s similar actions aren’t even charged. Hunter Biden’s influence peddling with money set aside for the “Big Guy” are not even covered in the mainstream media. The Dept. of Justice is quick to charge Trump, but with the Bidens, we hear nothing but crickets. People who commit crimes are being let go instead of being held accountable. Is American law and order no more!

Under President Trump, our border was finally more under control. Under Biden, his open border has been continually flooding our country with illegals from around the world. They come expecting benefits at the expense of taxpaying citizens. Illegals overwhelm services in our urban areas. Legal immigrants had to wait years to enter and are fuming at this invasion of illegals rushing to the front of the line and expecting to be accepted, supported, and allowed to become citizens. Is America’s secure border no more!

We thought in America, your home was your castle. If you work to buy the home of your dreams, you were sure that your property rights were secure in a community that you loved. But today, squatters are taking over vacant homes and fending off owners who want them to leave their property. Illegals are being told to come to America, find an empty home, and move in. In the name of equity, governments are rezoning the suburbs and requiring the building of low-income housing where it is not wanted. Are America’s property rights no more!

Do you believe America is lost? Do you believe nothing can reverse this march to chaos? Do you believe that it is time to buy your own guns to protect your family when the government won’t? Is a civil war coming? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are in danger of losing the optimistic attitude that has characterized Americans for two centuries. This is our country. This is not the time for surrender. It’s time to fight to preserve America the best way you can—vote for candidates who promise to preserve the rights you value most.

Your vote does matter. There are no perfect candidates, but the party positions make a difference in this critical election. If you want law and order, secure borders, fair elections, property rights, and a return to personal responsibility, there is only one party to support. Vote for every GOP candidate you are given the opportunity to support, or it may very well be America no more!

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Prepare for the Worst: Domestic Sabotage and Violence on the Horizon

The wheels of extremism are already in motion



Leading up to this November, and beyond, it now seems inevitable that America will experience extreme turmoil, if not outright hostilities and even urban warfare. Nothing that I write here will have any impact in terms of what is likely to occur. For one, Leftists don’t tend to read articles by conservative and, two, the wheels of extremism are already in motion.

Tactics Without End

I devote at least 500 hours annually to reading about political, historical, and cultural matters, adding up to more than 5,000 hours in the last 10 years. I’ve reached the same conclusion which legions of others have: Domestically the U.S. is headed for huge trouble. We already know many of the Left’s tactics to hinder Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, which include devious hoaxes, endless lies and slander, bogus lawsuits and selective prosecution, unconstitutional fines, and much more.

As spring leads to summer, Trump’s lead over Biden could grow. As such, expect the Left to act even more desperately with reprehensible tactics. Consider that of late RINO Congressional Representatives are suspiciously retiring early on dates with no chance for a special election to occur in their districts. Hence, Democrats can retake the House. Do you smell payola? Thereafter if Trump is elected, the House could attempt to deny certification.

By June or July, invariably, the Left will seek to foment another “George Floyd” incident and blame it all on Trump. With the power of The New York Times and major networks embellishing the narrative and offering World War II level coverage, the masses will be snowed. Think about Donald Trump observing that if he’s not elected there will be a bloodbath in the auto industry, and how the mainstream media, in unison, immediately claimed that Trump was calling for nationwide violence.

The Left is Violent and Everyone Knows It

The most violent segment of our society happens to be on the Left, as even many casual observers know. If Trump is ahead in the polls in September or October, expect dissension wherever the Left can prevail. When Trump wins the election in November, expect riots in 200 cities or more, surreptitiously funded by George Soros and his kind.

The money will fuel Antifa and other groups of young men and women who do not have career level jobs but do have questionable futures. The riots will last for as long as the extremists can persist; days, weeks, even months. From there, open warfare, in the form of urban snipers, is entirely possible.

Leading up to inauguration on January 20, many key dates such as certification from Congress, approval of Electoral College votes, and so on, represent key opportunities for the Left’s planned disruptions.

Disruption and Sabotage

January 20 could be a day of extreme violence. Washington, DC will have to be put under martial law. National guards from every surrounding state will be employed. The violent Left will not allow Trump to peacefully take over the reins from the corrupt, demented Joe Biden.

Biden’s administration, ruled by Barack Obama, will not offer a smooth transition of power, unlike all other presidents since our nation was founded. This is except for Obama, who did all he could to sabotage first Trump’s administration from the get-go.

The rest of January leading into February will represent days of turmoil. The Left will attempt to disrupt Trump’s second administration 24/7. They will harass and threaten political appointees. They will form roadblocks. They will resort to antics in front of federal buildings, the Supreme Court building, and other targeted locations which they deem to be ‘in their way.’

Eventually, Trump can clean it all up but at enormous financial and social cost. Rioters and less-than-peaceful protestors can be taken off the streets and, this time, held for much more than 24 hours. They can be charged, fingerprinted, photographed, and processed by a now lawful Department of Justice . However, such major operations will result in a lot of pain and gnashing of teeth.

Sadly for our nation, the scenarios above are more likely to be true than not.

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